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Animated Avatar

1. To create my avatar I first began with opening adobe illustrator. I then began by using a selfie of me to create the face, which I airdropped from my phone. I used the curvature pen tool to trace out my face and make sure everything was on point by using widgets to tweak shapes. Make sure to use the selection tool to move stuff around if it isn't at your liking. After creating my face I used the shape builder tool and curvature pen tool to create my torso/hoodie, after creating my hoodie I made sure to group everything together so it stayed in place and didn't move around. I then began to create my pants and shoes which I got from the internet from a picture that I traced.  After creating most of my body I began with my arm which I made by using the shape builder tool. After that I  added a stroke to everything to give it a cartoon effect. I then created multiple artboards to begin my animation process. I copy and pasted multiple versions of my avatar and added them to my art boards. For my animation I made my avatar do the cha cha slide so I moved my charter around slightly each art board, I then exported it as a screen and started animating on photoshop. I tweaked the setting to my liking and saved it as a GIF and Posted on my wix website.


2. The most challenging part for creating my avatar was creating the face because i really had to use the widgets to shape my face properly.

3. I made my avatar move side to side and my arm waving in the air to represent the cha cha slide. Yes my avatar moved the way I wanted to because it moving side to side like I wanted. I created the movement by moving my arm and avatar slightly each artboard.


4. Some improvements I would make is my hair because it was hard to get a full set of hair without making it patchy.

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