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Light Patterns

Hard Lighting
Front Lighting
Back Lighting
Side Lighting
Top Lighting
Soft Lighting
1. My overall strengths in this project were setting up the lighstand and knowing how to get the right amount of light.
2. A lot of improvements can be made, a big one would camera positioning because my pictures would be off set or just blurry.
3. I learned that lighting patterns are really important because they can drastically improve a photograph.
4. Photographing an egg helped me get down the simple lighting patterns like front lighting backlighting and top lighting.
5. They were similar because both labs basically had the same lighting patterns but they were also different because there were lighting patterns that didn't work on an egg, only a person.
6. Learning lighting patterns is really important because it can either make or break a photograph, and its good to build that knowledge so you know and aware of the lighting.
7. I will incorporate lighting into my photographs by using these light patterns in my future portraits.
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