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Shutter, Aperture, ISO

Fast Shutter Speed
Tv Mode
Slow Shutter Speed
TV Mode

Slow Shutter Speed
M Mode
ISO: 100
Shallow Depth Of Field
AV Mode
Middle Range Depth Of Field
AV Mode
Deep Depth of Field
AV Mode
ISO 100
M Mode
ISO 400
M Mode
ISO 800
M Mode
ISO 3200
M Mode 

1.Out of the 3 labs shutter was my favorite because i got to photograph water splashes in fast shutter speeds and also try out freeze photography.

2.The hardest lab for me was the shutter because even though freeze photography was the most fun it was also the most difficult because drawing/writing with light is not as easy than it looks.

3.The easiest lab for me was the ISO because all i had to do was change my settings. I wish there was a little bit of challenge but other than that I  still enjoyed the lab.

4.In the future I could use different shutter settings to photograph sport games for the school yearbook.
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