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Identity College 

Project Summary
1. I Opened up photoshop and choose a picture for my background. I made a little changes to my background like adding a vibrance filter to brighten up the picture. From here I started air dropping pictures to my computer. After I choose the pictures I wanted I applied clipping masks to all of them and started to blend them into my background using the brush tool. After I blended the pictures to my desired liking I lowered the transparency on them, to give it that fade away effect. After that, I touched up my pictures a little more, and then saved the picture as a copy, make sure to save as a JPG.

2. Blend modes: Blend modes in digital image editing and computer graphics are used to determine how two layers are blended with each other. I used this by blending my pictures into my background by using a layer mask. 
   Layer masks: Layer masking is a nondestructive way to hide parts of an image or layer without erasing them. I used layers masks on my pictures to removes parts of them I don't want . 
   Adjustment layers: Adjustment layers are a special type of layer that manipulate the color and tone of the layers beneath them. I used this on my layers, when they started stacking up on eachother.

3. My college represents me because it shows everything I love and things that are very important to me. Some specific images that represent me are, the baby picture of me, my childhood had a lot to do with the way I am right now and the cars and picture of me with money show that I will strive for anything and work hard for what I want.

4. Id say that everything in my project was successful but if there is something i had to work on it sould be add a little more pictures to my college.

5. I thinks my project exceeds because I know it isn't the most stunning thing in the world but it looks good and nice, It's not a random mess. Its pleasant to look at and you can tell what's going on.
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