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The first thing to making a video resume is to make sure you have a script. It helps you remember what you're going to say during he video. Secondly is to make sure you have a nice quiet place to record for example, I used my room. You wanna make sure you also have a device to record on that can transport videos, I used my phone and a tripod you can either set your phone on something or have someone help you. After you record your video you're going to wanna transport your videos to a computer and you can do this either from email or airdrop. After I transported all my videos I got to work. I used an application called Adobe Rush to edit my video. My A roll was my main focus so I edited that my using the scissor tool and cutting my awkward clips. Secondly I got to work on my B roll, I did this by adding some pictures from the web. I the added a soundtrack which you can do by going on youtube and converting it into an mp4 file and placing it onto your timeline, but thats a little complicated so I recommend using the ones on adobe rush. Then I downloaded my video and thats it! 
A video resume differs from a traditional paper one because on the video you can express how you really feel. A paper resume only goes so far, you only put your information and skills which is still good but a video resume is miles better than a paper one since you can really express your self and so the person really gets to know you.
I might use this video resume in the future if i ever need to get a job. I will definitely update it through out time since Im always gonna be learning new skills in life. 
Based on the learning target I think my work exceeds the understanding since my video resume came out good and met all the criteria perfectly. I also downloaded a video from youtube and transferred it into an mp4 file so I could use it as a soundtrack.
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